Welcome to Raulandstoga
Raulandstoga is a restaurant in the center of Rauland and can offer good, home-cooked food for most occasions.
The menus contain elements of local produce throughout the year.
Opening hours
Mon. – Tues.: Closed
Wed. - Sat. : 12.00 - food service until 18.30
Sun. : 13.00 - food service until 18.30
Extended opening hours by agreement.
Sometimes we have private events which means that we have to stay closed for others, so check our opening hours on Google, where major changes in opening hours are always updated!
Telephone: 47 71 77 49
E-mail: [email protected]

In general, we use local ingredients when these are available – including game from local hunters and mushrooms, berries, fish and baked goods from local traditional carriers. For us, the most important thing is that most of the food is made from good ingredients from scratch!