To ensure continuous improvement and good environmental management, all Eco-Lighthouse-certified businesses must be recertified every three years.
Recertification means that we have had to review the criteria the business is certified according to, and ensure that we still meet the criteria, as well as work on new ones.
In the autumn of 2021, we were labeled as an environmental lighthouse company, and this week we received the diploma from the certifier with approval for three new years.
A great deal of work has been done this autumn regarding the recertification, both with a view to collecting data that is necessary for the survey and to design new targets and measures for the environmental work.
It is within energy Rauland Skisenter has had the greatest potential to reduce consumption.
We have e.g. in recent years made large investments by replacing old technology with new in snow production. We have built new pumping stations and bought new and more efficient snow cannons. We have also invested in and adopted heat management systems in many of our buildings. In addition, all operational buildings and over 60 rental cabins have had heat pumps installed.
Since 2023 we have in Rauland Skisenter invested 6 million in energy measures, and the invitation has given us a saving of 300 00 kwh in 2023.
With the recertification in place, we look forward to continuing our environmental work in a way that is both profitable and environmentally friendly.
The work put in deserves attention so we celebrated with cake for lunch today.